Uporabnikov telefonov Samsung Galaxy S III (GT-I9300) je ogromno in pritisk na Samsung je zaradi tega precejšen. Na žalost pa je Samsung sedaj uradno sporočil, da nadgradnje telefonov Galaxy S III (GT-I9300) in Galaxy S III mini na Android 4.4.x KitKat ne bo.
Samsung Mobile UK je sporočil tole: »In order to facilitate an effective upgrade on the Google platform, various hardware performances such as the memory (RAM, ROM, etc.), multi-tasking capabilities, and display must meet certain technical expectations. The Galaxy S3 and S3 mini 3G versions come equipped with 1GB RAM, which does not allow them to effectively support the platform upgrade. As a result of the Galaxy S3 and S3 mini 3G versions’ hardware limitation, they cannot effectively support the platform upgrade while continuing to provide the best consumer experience. Samsung has decided not to roll-out the KitKat upgrade to Galaxy S3 and S3 mini 3G versions, and the KitKat upgrade will be available to the Galaxy S3 LTE version as the device’s 2GB RAM is enough to support the platform upgrade.«
Razlog za nezmožnost nadgradnje se torej skriva v pomanjkanju RAM-a pri internacionalni različici telefona Samsung Galaxy S III. Nadgradnjo pa bodo dobile US različice in Samsung Galaxy S III LTE, ki imajo 2GB RAM-a. Ja, ja KitKat bi moral delovati tudi s 512MB RAM-a, a brez Samsungove »krame«. Prav tukaj pa se je zataknilo tudi Samsungu. Njihov TouchWiz za svoje delovanje potrebuje precej več spomina.
Samsung Galaxy S III bo kot trenutno kaže ostal na Androidu 4.3, Galaxy S III mini pa na Androidu 4.2.