Telefoni OnePlus One so bili že na poti k svojim prvim kupcem v Evropi, a jih ne bodo dobili še tako hitro. Zataknilo se je namreč pri uvozu v Evropsko unijo. Pri OnePlus so se namreč igrali z znakom CE (Conformité Européenne), ki ima točno določen izgled. Razlog za to je, ker je sila podoben znaku za China Export. Kakršnekoli manipulacije z znakom niso dovoljene, saj bi lahko prišlo do zamenjave. Zato so pošiljko na carini zavrnili.
Zaradi tega bo prišlo do 2 tedenskega zamika pri dobavi, a se bodo pri OnePlus za zamudo oddolžili z ovitkom in zaščito zaslona.
Pri OnePlus pa so zapisali tole:
Thank you for ordering from Unfortunately due to an issue with customs in Europe, one of our shipments has been delayed on its way to the warehouse. Your order was among the affected.
The issue stems from our vision for the design of the OnePlus One. For the back cover, we wanted the regulatory icons and text to be in harmony with each other and appear be as minimalistic as possible. In order to achieve this, we modified the CE icon to match the other icons. This was deemed unacceptable and our shipment was returned.
You placed an order that was planned to be shipped last week. Due to unforeseen issues with our product design, we need two more weeks until we can ship. Please accept from us a complimentary cover and screen protector (when they become available later this month) as a token of good faith. You may also cancel your order and receive a full refund.
We sincerely apologize on behalf of the entire OnePlus Team for causing you such inconvenience, and hope you forgive us for making such mistakes in the course of our growth.
Best regards