Google Fiber, Googlov hitri in poceni FTTH internet prihaja v 18 mest znotraj metropolitanskih področij Atlante, Charlotta, Nashvilla in Releigh-Durhama. Ti se bodo pridružili trem obstoječim področjem (Kansas City, Provo in Austin).
Google pa je odprl že dodatno možnost širitve na 5 dodatnih metropolitanskih področij. To pa so: Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Antonio in San Jose. Če se bo Google odločil za gradnjo omrežja Google Fiber na tem področju bo sporočil proti koncu letošnjega leta.
Kljub temu, da je Google mesta potrdil ga čaka še veliko dela. Kaj vse morajo še postoriti so zapisali takole:
Our next step is to work with cities to create a detailed map of where we can put our thousands of miles of fiber, using existing infrastructure such as utility poles and underground conduit, and making sure to avoid things like gas and water lines. Then a team of surveyors and engineers will hit the streets to fill in missing details. Once we’re done designing the network (which we expect to wrap up in a few months), we’ll start construction.