McWhooper je bil predlog Burger Kinga s katerim bi Burger King in McDonald’s za en dan sklenila premirje ter 21.9.2015 na mednarodni dan miru (International Day of Peace) prodajala združen (hibridni) hamburger. Burger King je na celostranskem oglasu v The New York Times in Chicago Tribune izzval McDonaald’s in na spletni strani pojasnil podrobnosti načrta.
Burger King je za lokacijo prodaje McWhooperja predlagal Atlanto. Recept hamburgerja bi bil sestavljen hibrid iz Whopperja in Big Maca. Iz vsakega bi porabili po 6 sestavin.
Žal pa je izvršni direktor McDonald’sa predlog zavrnil
Dear Burger King,
Inspiration for a good cause… great idea.
We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.
We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you’ll join us in a meaningful global effort?
And every day, let’s acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.
We’ll be in touch.
-Steve, McDonald’s CEO
P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.
Zavrnitev predloga je po mojem mnenju neumnost, saj bi to zagotovo bilo pozitivno za obe družbi, predvsem zato, ker se obe spopadata s padcem prodaje. Sicer pa takšen hibrid ne bi bil prvi, s tem so namreč poskusili tudi drugi. Burger King pa se ni predal in je ponudbo razširil na še nekaj drugih verig, kot so: Denny’s, Wayback Burgers, Krystal in Giraffas. Takole so zapisali: »We’ve received a significant number of unexpected responses from other restaurants, large and small, each expressing an appetite for peace and enthusiasm to help spread the Peace One Day message. Naturally, peace is all-inclusive and open to all. So Denny’s, Wayback Burgers, Krystal, and Giraffas, we’d like to build on your individual proposals to collaborate on Peace Day. Our idea would be that we all come together to create a burger that combines a key ingredient from each of our signature sandwiches.«