Error 53 je še nekoliko hujša težava, ko je Blue Screen of Death na operacijskih sistemih Windows. Error 53 je namreč napaka, ki se pojavi na Applovih napravah iPhone, ko je telefon popravljal ne Applov tehnik. Torej, če si telefon npr. popravljal sam, si prav tako lahko prišel do Error 53 napake, ki je povzročila, da je telefon postal neuporaben.
Apple je v uradni obrazložitvi glede Error 53 povedal, da gre za varnostni ukrep in ga podkrepil s temi besedami: »We protect fingerprint data using a secure enclave, which is uniquely paired to the touch ID sensor. When iPhone is serviced by an authorised Apple service provider or Apple retail store for changes that affect the touch ID sensor, the pairing is re-validated. This check ensures the device and the iOS features related to touch ID remain secure. Without this unique pairing, a malicious touch ID sensor could be substituted, thereby gaining access to the secure enclave. When iOS detects that the pairing fails, touch ID, including Apple Pay, is disabled so the device remains secure.«
Ljudi je to razburilo do te mere, da so začeli zbirati podpise za skupinsko tožbo (class action). Apple je kot kaže uvidel, da je šlo za napačno strategijo in je danes objavil opravičilo: “We apologise for any inconvenience, this was designed to be a factory test and was not intended to affect customers. Customers who paid for an out-of-warranty replacement of their device based on this issue should contact AppleCare about a reimbursement.”
Hkrati pa so v programu iTunes objavili programsko nadgradnjo, ki uporabnike telefona iPhone reši težave Error 53.