Serija NCIS bo 17.5.2016 na CBS zaključila svojo 13. sezono in tako kot se je konec 11. sezone poslovila Cote de Pablo, ki je igrala Zivo David, se bo konec te sezone poslovil izvirni član NCIS ekipe, Michael Weatherly.
Iz CBS-a so sporočili: »He is a valued part of the CBS family, and the immense charm and talent he brings to the screen as ‘Very’ Special Agent Tony DiNozzo has helped make NCIS what it is today — the No. 1 drama in the world. We thank Michael for all of his contributions to this successful franchise and look forward to continuing to develop projects with him as part of our ongoing development deal.«
Ker je bil Anthony DiNozzo precej navezan na Zivo David je bilo precej špekulacij, da se bo za njegov odhod še zadnjič pojavila v seriji, a kot kaže je to padlo v vodo in se bo Tony poslovil sam.
Izvršni producent NCIS-a Gary Glasberg sicer ni želel potrditi, da Zive ne bo je pa povedal: »”Tony’s relationship with Ziva absolutely will have an impact on his reason to depart.«