Serija Feed the Beast, ki sloni na danski seriji Bankerot je premiero na AMC doživela 5. junija 2016 in gledalci so lahko 10 epizod spremljali Tommyja (David Schwimmer) in Diona (Jim Sturgess), ki sta v Bronxu odprla restavracijo.
1. sezona serije se je končala 2. avgusta in vsi so čakali informacijo ali bo serija dobila nadaljevanje. AMC pa je sporočil tole:
»We have great respect and admiration for the entire team associated with Feed the Beast, starting with Clyde Phillips, David Schwimmer, Jim Sturgess and our studio partner, Lionsgate. We are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with them and appreciative of their talents, dedication and care. Unfortunately, the show simply didn’t achieve the results needed to move forward with a second season.«
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