Jurassic World 2 (Jurski svet 2) bo peti film iz franšize Jurassic Park in kot je Universal naznanil že leta 2015 bo v kinematografe prišel 22.6.2018 (v ZDA). Kakšno bo točno ime filma še ni povsem znano, a glede na filme Jurassic Park številka na koncu ni tako nemogoča.
Režiser nadaljevanja filma Jurassic World, Juan Antonio Bayona je za Cinema Blend na vprašanje Will the new movie be more Jurassic World 2 or Jurassic Park 5? odgovoril z: »That’s a good question! I think somehow it’s both. It’s a very good question, and what we’re doing is a sequel to Jurassic World, but it’s definitely the fifth chapter of a longer saga. It’s very interesting. It’s always tricky, but you need to find a balance in what people expect to find, and the new stuff you’re bringing to the story. And I think the story is looking for a connection between Jurassic World and Jurassic Park — more than what Jurassic World did.«
Poleg tega, da bosta glavni vlogi v filmu zopet prevzela Chris Pratt kot Owen Grady in Bryce Dallas Howard kot Claire Dearing. Je J.A. Bayona za Comining Soon povedal, da se bo snemanje nadaljevanja začelo marca 2017.