Serija Ray Donovan bo dobila svojo 6. sezono, je potrdil Showtime, a Ray (igra ga Liev Schreiber) ne bo več fixer v Hollxwoodu, ampak se bo preselil v New York City.
Gary Levine, predsednik programskega oddelka Showtime Networks je ob naznanitvi nove sezone povedal: »Ray Donovan broke new ground this season with its deeply emotional and innovative approach to Abby’s [Paula Malcomson] passing, without sacrificing any of the intensity that has been its trademark. Fashion, media, finance, theatre, culture. It’s going to present new challenges for Ray Donovan, which mean new opportunities for us as dramatists. Ray came to Los Angeles to build a life for himself and his family. They’re not there anymore. Ray’s career has changed and he is looking for a place to rebuild his life. Ray thinks he went to New York to help his daughter. He’s going to find out he’s there to help himself.«
Serija, ki je leta 2014 dobila Zlati globus, gledanost drži nad 1 mio gledalcev, čeprav je ta iz 1.4, kolikor je bilo povprečje prve sezone, v 5. sezoni, ki se je končala konec oktobra, padla na malo nad 1 mio gledalcev. Kakšna bo gledanost 6. sezone serije Ray Donovan pa bomo videli v letu 2018, ko bo serija na spored na programu Showtime.