EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) je sporočila, da bo od danes, 12.3.2019 od 20.00 (19.00 UTC) za letala tipa Boeing 737-8 MAX in 737-9 MAX zračni prostor v Evropi zaprt zaradi preventivnih razlogov.
Prav tako je EASA zaprla zračni prostor za vsa letala teh dveh tipov, ki prihajajo iz neevropskih držav, ki bi želela vstopiti, letati znotraj ali leteti iz Evropske unije.
Še pred obvestilom EASE se je za zaprtje zračnega prostora odločilo veliko evropskih držav, med drugim Velika Britanija, Italija, Nemčija, Francija, Irska in Islandija. Prav tako so floto letal Boeing 737 MAX prizemljile številne letalske družbe med drugim Turkish Airlines, LOT Polish Airline in Norwegian. Celoten seznam lahko najdete v tem članku.
Celotno obvestilo EASE
Following the tragic accident of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 involving a Boeing 737 MAX 8, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is taking every step necessary to ensure the safety of passengers.
As a precautionary measure, EASA has published today an Airworthiness Directive, effective as of 19:00 UTC, suspending all flight operations of all Boeing Model 737-8 MAX and 737-9 MAX aeroplanes in Europe. In addition EASA has published a Safety Directive, effective as of 19:00 UTC, suspending all commercial flights performed by third-country operators into, within or out of the EU of the above mentioned models.
The accident investigation is led by the Ethiopian Authorities with the support of the National Transportation Safety Board, as the aircraft was designed and built in the United States. EASA has offered their assistance in supporting the accident investigation.
EASA is continuously analysing the data as it becomes available. The accident investigation is currently ongoing, and it is too early to draw any conclusions as to the cause of the accident.