Sejem MWC 2020 v Barceloni, ki je bil načrtovan za konec februarja 2020, je zdaj tudi uradno odpovedan. Razlog za to pa je seveda povezan s koronavirusom oz. COVID-19, kot se ta po novem imenuje.
Uradna izjava GSMA, ki je organizator konference
Since the first edition of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2006, the GSMA has convened the industry, governments, ministers, policymakers, operators and industry leaders across the broader ecosystem.
With due regard to the safe and healthy environment in Barcelona and the host country today, the GSMA has cancelled MWC Barcelona 2020 because the global concern regarding the coronavirus outbreak, travel concern and other circumstances, make it impossible for the GSMA to hold the event.
The Host City Parties respect and understand this decision.
The GSMA and the Host City Parties will continue to be working in unison and supporting each other for MWC Barcelona 2021 and future editions.
Our sympathies at this time are with those affected in China, and all around the world.
Že pred uradno odpovedjo so deževale odpovedi razstavljalcev
Današnja odpoved sejma MWC 2020 s strani organizatorja le sledi kupu odpovedi razstavljalcev ta in prejšnji teden. GSMA je do zadnjega trenutka obljubljal, da sejem letos bo in da so sprejeli dodatne varnostne ukrepe. Svojo udeležbo sta pred dnevi ponovno potrdila Xiaomi in Huawei. Žal pa letos z MWC-jem zdaj ne bo nič.
Pred tem so udeležbo odpovedali:
- Amazon
- Deutsche Telekom
- Ericsson
- Intel
- LG
- Nokia
- NTT Docomo
- Sony
- Nvidia
- Vodafone
- MediaTek
- Sprint